A Random Poetry Experience

19 Feb

My Impressions of Three Poets Writing Three Different Styles While Relating To My Life Experiences.

Poems are like members of the opposite sex, often complicated, yet
Relatable, when you think carefully
How we’re really all the same inside our covers
Different environments and varying lifestyles and societal norms based
On gender
Yet the same human feelings, of
Love and jealousy, hope and despair
Too many to count all, at one sitting

Thinking of that makes me happy; I appreciate these strange works
Of art, which are transient and livingMimosa
Unlike journalism,
Cold and indifferent to the human condition.

Sipping a mimosa reading Husband by Miller Williams, I thought
How it helps to have a prop, drinking with the character, although it was
Sunny then and not at all the
Nighttime rejection and deception described.
The poem is my comfort zone, all the breaks
At the end of the line.
I am branching out, trying new things by
Suggestions of others more experienced than I.
This is my third favorite, not least favorite, I say, because it is still a good poem
Easily relatable, yet a little too easy — a challenge would be welcomed.

Picking up Recuerdo by Edna St. Vincent Millay, I think of Christmas, perhapsPortrait of Edna St. Vincent Millay (1933-01-14)
Because there is mention of a stable and also a fire
Not to mention the spirit of giving at the end,
But maybe also because of the Christmas music playing in the
A hint of what’s to come.
The end-rhyme is familiar and comforting
Like the tree in the corner with all its lights winking
And the cat, warm and soft in my lap.
I’m not sure why anyone would ride the ferry all night
Back and forth like a loom shuttle, a seemingly pointless affair.
Perhaps they had more mimosas than I.
I deem this poem my second choice, it’s
Young and adventurous
Full of fun and memories of youth.

Oh to soar among the clouds.
Or so I thought at first, now pleasantly surprised at the
Nostalgia I feel at the knowledge
Summer is long-gone and winter isG-190. The Swimming Hole (1884-85). Wallace is...
Peeking in through my windows.
I love the fact Greg Pape makes no mention of anticipating sex
Only seeming as well to be pleasantly surprised at his female companion’s
And enjoyment of nature in its simplest form
Seeking to contain
Only the memory, never the girl.

I’ve found my favorite, it’s abundant of treasures
Words pregnant with importance and delectable descriptions
Like a film you watch over and over, yet always
Finding something new.

One Response to “A Random Poetry Experience”


  1. Turkish film on poetry | Dear Kitty. Some blog - February 22, 2013

    […] A Random Poetry Experience (betweenasleepandawake.wordpress.com) […]

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